Friday, November 7, 2008

WeeKeND iDeaS.. ;P

i HaD NoTHiNG To Do.. :P oo i WaS PuTTiNG NaiLPoLLiSH.. :P oo THiS iDea PoPPeD uP To My MiND


doona said...

very cool!
me likey =)

3anooda said...

inti chabaiteehum?? 5asara

7aLeeB KaKaW said...

thnx dandoon.. (A) :$ min thoogich..

ee ana chabait-hum... :P cuz i didnt like the color that much.. oo i still have ni9aa.. :P

Bayooya said...

Gr8 job...

Luv both the pics & the draws...

keep it up dear ;)